关于我 About Me


Hi, This is BoE. I am a graphic designer, focusing on printing materials, way-finding design, exhibition design etc. Currently, I am living in Shanghai with a cat. I like drawing, and playing video games once in a while, but I am not really a hard-core gamer.

联系我 Contact me: fubo9034[AT]GAMIL.com / telegram me

关于本站 About the Site

原本只是想搭建一个作品集展示网站。但是也想坚持产出点东西的来当做自己努力学习的动力,所以,还是增加了blog部分。虽然学过web design,但是离开这个领域太久,已经生疏不少。目前的精力主要还是放在内容的产出上,未来时间允许,会逐渐添加自己的域名、设计整个layout,可能还要自己折腾代码。 


This website was intended to be a portfolio showcase, then I had the idea of motivating myself to learn by writing something meaningful, hence, I add a blog page. I learned a web design course before, but it’s been a while. I am quite rusty regarding the building part. Right now, the priority is content output. If time permits, I will design and build my own website based on my own design.

The blog is mainly focus on meaningful stuff in my life, like: summary of a working project, life experiences, review or report of events, exhibitions and products, etc. And I will upload my projects in “work” page. Stay tune with me~